
Terrell County School System Strategic Plan


Goal Area 1: Student Success and Achievement

The Terrell County School System will implement a K-12  vertically and horizontally aligned curriculum that will prepare all students to become college and career-ready while providing high-quality educational experiences in a safe, nurturing environment.

  • Goal 1: Maintain a graduation rate of 90% or higher.

    Objective 1.  Identify alternative pathways to a high school diploma for students who are at risk of dropping out of high school.

    Objective 2.  Develop a plan to monitor, support, and prevent the likelihood of student having multiple retentions prior to grade 9

    Objective 3.  Increase the number of students participating in dual enrollment

  • Goal 2: Increase student mastery of the Georgia Standards' of Excellence

    Objective 1.  Increase the percentage of students scoring proficient or higher on the Georgia Milestones Assessment System (GMAS) End of Grade and End of Course tests

    Objective 2.  Decrease the percentage of students scoring beginning learner on the Georgia Milestones Assessment System (GMAS) End of Grade and End of Course tests

    Objective 3.  Increase the percentage of students passing the End of Pathway Assessment (EOPA) for each program

  • Goal 3: Increase the percentage of students reading on grade level

    Objective 1.  Develop a district-wide literacy plan that aligns with the State Literacy guidance

    Objective 2.  Support teachers with implementing practices associated with the Science of Reading

    Objective 3.  Provide intervention(s) for students who are at risk of not reading on grade level with fidelity

Goal Area 2: Talent Development Acquistion

The Terrell County School System will attract, employ, develop, and retain competent staff who provide high-quality educational experience for all students in a safe, nurturing environment

  • Goal 1: Establish and maintain a positive work environment

    Objective 1.  Attract and retain high-quality employees by providing a competitive compensation package

    Objective 2. Attract and retain high-quality employees by providing a safe and supportive work environment

    Objective 3. Retain employees by providing opprtunities for growth

  • Goal 2: Develop classified and certified staff through targeted job embedded professional learning

    Objective 1. Develop and implent plans for job-embedded professional learning time for the development of classified and certified staff

    Objective 2. Establish onboarding, induction, and pipeline programs

    Objective 3. Create and implement a succession plan for district and school leaders

Goal Area 3: District and School Culture

The Terrell County School System will establish and maintain a district and school culture that supports high-quality educational experience for all students in a safe, nurturing environment

  • Goal 1: Decrease the percentage of students who chronically absent from school

    Objective 1. Review and update the attendance policy, data entry processes, and procedures

    Objective 2. Implement updated attendance protocols

    Objective 3. Provide supports to prevent chronic absenteeism and recover days missed

  • Goal 2: Maintain safety measures that keep students, staff, and visitors safe

    Objective 1. Implement safety measures in compliance with state laws, policies

    Objective 2. Communicate safety plans

    Objective 3. Practice safety drills within the system amnd with supporting agencies

  • Goal 3: Establish and communicate district-wide behavior expectations (i.e. student code of conduct)

    Objective 1. Collaboratively create a district-wide student code of conduct with students, staff, administrators, parents, and supporting agencies

    Objective 2. Communicate behavior expections with students, staff, and parents

    Objective 3. Implement Positive Behavior Invention Systems (PBIS) with fidelity

Goal Area 4: Family and Community Engagement (FACE)

The Terrell County School System will Actively engage family, community members, and organizations to develop, implement, and evaluate the effectiveness of high-quality educational experiences for all students in a safe, nurturing environment.

  • Goal 1: Increase the level of awareness family and community members have about reading, specifically readiness, reading milestones, and liteeracy expectations for each grade level

    Objective 1. Communicate reading readiness and literacy expectations.

    Objective 2. Partner with communnity groups and organizations to develop and implement programs to support reading readiness for children ranging from birth to age five

  • Goal 2: Continue to improve two-way communication with parents

    Objective 1. Maximize the use of current communication methods (i.e. Infinite Campus  Parent Portal, Remind 101, Class Dojo, etc.) to foster two-way communication with parents during emergency and non-emergency situations.

    Objective 2. Schedule parent-teacher conferences to discuss the student's progress towards mastery of standards, attendance, and enrichment opportunities

  • Goal 3: Leverage partnerships with community groups to increase the percentage of early learner who are ready to learn by kindergarten

    Objective 1. Establish ways to measure readiness for early learners at daycare and pre-K programs

    Objective 2. Provide information to parents to assist early learners outside of school

    Objective 3. Provide and support opportunities for joint professional learning for teachers of early learners

Goal Area 5: Operational Effectiveness and Efficiency

The Terrell County School System will strategically manage changes and ensure the equitable distribution of resources by maintaining and improving processes for operational excellence customer service, and shared accountability.

  • Goal 1: Automate operational processes to improve efficiency in various departments

    Objective 1. Evaluate and purchase software to improve effectiveness and efficiency

    Objective 2. Revise and update systems to improve efficiency

  • Goal 2: Update, revise, and establish mandatory policies and procedures

    Objective 1. Conduct a policy review

    Objective 2. Develop a system for updating and approving revised policies

  • Goal 3: Revise resource allocation methodology plans to meet the nees based on enrollment

  • Goal 4: Prepare and plan for therenewal of accreditation and the charter system waiver

    Objective 1. Submitted alll information to have a  successful Cognia Review

    Objective 2. Forecasting the vision for the   system and community, develop a Charter System Waiver application that reflects the current and future needs of the school system.

  • Goal 5: Maintain and enhance school facilities and transportation fleet to ensure a safe and nurturing environment

    Objective 1. Make necessary improvements to existing facilities and the transpportation fleet

    Objective 2. Advocate to the continuation of SPLOST funding

    Objective 3. Enhance the athletic facilities by adding a competition track

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