
Title I Reward Schools
To reward successful schools and school districts for significant progress in improving student achievement and/or significant progress in closing the achievement gap, the Georgia Department of Education (Department) honors K–12 Title I schools and school districts for significant progress in improving student achievement and/or making significant progress in closing the achievement gap.

The Title I Reward Schools program recognizes and honors two categories of Reward Schools: Highest-Performing Reward Schools and High-Progress Reward Schools.

Highest-Performing Reward School 

A Highest-Performing Reward School is a Title I school among the Title I schools in the state that has the highest absolute performance over three years for the all-students group and for all subgroups based on statewide assessments and, at the high school level, is also among the Title I schools with the highest graduation rates. A school may not be classified as a highest-performing school if there are significant achievement gaps across subgroups that are not closing in the school.

Determination of Highest-Performing Title I Schools

  • Count the number of Title I schools in the state for the previous school year.
  • Multiply the number of Title I schools in the state for the previous school year by 5-percent.
  • The resulting value is the number of Title I schools in the state that are to be identified as Highest-Performing Reward Schools.
  • At the school level, aggregate the all-student and subgroup achievement results based on assessment data from the previous three-years for all End-of-Course Tests (EOCTs), all Georgia Milestones Assessments, and Georgia Alternate Assessments (GAAs). For a group (all-students as well as the remaining nine traditional subgroups) to be considered in the calculations, the group must meet the minimum n size of 15, where each member of the group has a valid assessment for each content area.
  • Rank the Title I schools based on the average of their three-year aggregate achievement results from highest achievement to lowest achievement.
  • Remove schools from the list of schools that have been identified as Focus or Priority Schools.
  • Remove high schools from the list that are not among the schools with the highest graduation rates.

Identify the top 5-percent of Title I schools in any given fiscal year as Highest-Performing Reward Schools.

High-Progress Reward School

A High-Progress Reward School is a Title I school among the 10-percent of Title I schools in the state that is making the most progress in improving the performance of the all-students group over three years on the statewide assessments and, at the high school level, is also among the Title I schools in the state that is making the most progress in increasing graduation rates. A school may not be classified as a high-progress school if there are significant achievement gaps across subgroups that are not closing in the school.

Determination of High-Progress Title I Reward SchoolsCount the number of Title I schools in the state for the previous school year.

Multiply the number of Title I schools in the state for the previous school year by 10-percent.The resulting value is the number of Title I schools in the state that are to be identified as High-Progress Reward Schools.

At the school level, aggregate the all-student and subgroup achievement results based on assessment data from the previous three-years for all End-of-Course Tests (EOCTs), all Georgia Milestones Assessments, and Georgia Alternate Assessments (GAAs). For a group (all-students as well as the remaining nine traditional subgroups) to be considered in the calculations, the group must meet the minimum n size of 15, where each member of the group has a valid assessment for each content area.

Based on aggregate achievement results, calculate progress using the following formula: [(year 1 results – year 2 results) + (year 2 results – year 3 results)]/2 • Rank the schools based on the greatest amount of progress.

Remove schools from the list that have been identified as Focus Schools for performance data through 2017.

Remove schools from the list that have been identified as Priority Schools for performance data through 2017.

Identify the top 10-percent of Title I schools in any given fiscal year as High-Progress Reward Schools.


  • Fall/Winter​ Title I Reward Schools are selected by State​
  • Fall/Winter Title I Reward Schools recommended State BOE
  • Fall/Winter Schools are officially notified of recognition
  • Fall/Winter LEA assurances are due to Department
  • June Recognition at Title Programs Conference

Academic Achievement Awards Resources ​​

Reward School Order Form

Reward School Logo​

Reward Schools


Highest-Performing Reward Schools​

High-Progress Reward Schools​

​FY 17

Highest-Performing Reward Schools​

High-Progress Reward Schools​


Highest-Performing Reward Schools

High-Progress Reward Schools


Highest-Performing Reward Schools

High-Progress Reward Schools


Highest-Performing Reward Schools

High-Progress Reward Schools


Highest-Performing Reward Schools

High-Progress Reward Schools

Reward Districts
National Title I Distinguished Schools

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